IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 1

Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Technique Using DWT and IWT

E. Sagar Kumar MR. T. Ramakrishnaiah
keywords : DWT; Interpolation;IWT; Resolution; WZP;

Now a days satellite images are widely used In many applications such as astronomy and geographical information systems and geosciences studies .In this paper, We propose a new satellite image resolution enhancement technique which generates sharper high resolution image .Based on the high frequency sub-bands obtained from the dwt and iwt. We are not considering the LL sub-band here. In this resolution-enhancement technique using interpolated DWT and IWT high-frequency sub band images and the input low-resolution image. Inverse DWT (IDWT) has been applied to combine all these images to generate the final resolution-enhanced image. The proposed technique has been tested on satellite bench mark images. The quantitative (peak signal to noise ratio and mean square error) and visual results show the superiority of the proposed technique over the conventional method and standard image enhancement technique WZP.
Title = "Satellite Image Resolution Enhancement Technique Using DWT and IWT",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="70 - 76",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="E. Sagar Kumar MR. T. Ramakrishnaiah"}