IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 10

Developing Sales Information System Application using Prototyping Model

Muhammad Aziz Andri Pranolo Cita Agustin
keywords : transaction; transaction system; sales; prototyping model

This research aimed to develop the system that be able to manage the sales transaction, so the transaction services will be more quickly and efficiently. The system has developed using prototyping model, which have steps including: 1) communication and initial data collection, 2) quick design, 3) formation of prototyping, 4) evaluation of prototyping, 5) repairing prototyping, and 6) the final step is producing devices properly so it can used by user. The prototyping model intended to adjust the system in accordance with its use later, made in stages so that the problems that arise will be immediately addressed. The results of this research is a software which have consumer transaction services including the purchasing services, sale, inventory management, and report for management needed purpose. Based on questionnaires given to 18 respondents obtained information on the evaluation system built, among others: 1) 88% strongly agree and 11% agree, the application can increase effectiveness and efficiently the organizations/enterprises; 2) 33% strongly agree, 62 agree, and 5% not agree, the application can meet the needs of organization/enterprise.
Title = "Developing Sales Information System Application using Prototyping Model",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="10",
Pages ="782 - 785",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="Muhammad Aziz Andri Pranolo Cita Agustin"}
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