IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 4

Online Signature Authentication by Using Mouse Behavior

Jitender Kumar S Goutham Amitabh Kumar
keywords : mouse behaviour signatures; Biometric authentication; Verification; Template; String matching; Feature detection

Several large-scale parole leakages exposed users to associate unprecedented risk of speech act and abuse of their data. associate inadequacy of password-based authentication mechanisms is turning into a serious concern for the complete data society. carries with it 3 major modules: (1) Mouse–Behavior dynamics Capture, (2) Feature Construction, and (3) coaching or Classification. the primary module serves to make a taking mouse behavior user signs. The second module is employed to extract holistic and procedural options to characterize mouse behavior and to map the raw options into distance-based options by exploitation numerous distance metrics. The third module, within the coaching section, applies neural network on the distance-based feature vectors to reckon the predominant feature elements, then builds the user’s profile employing a one-class classifier. within the classification section, it determines the user’s identity exploitation the trained classifier within the distance-based feature exploitation NN. A four Digit OTP is generated to the user’s email ID. The user are going to be giving the ‘2’ digit OTP and therefore the server are going to be giving balance ‘2’ digit OTP. Users ‘2’ digit OTP is verified by the server and contrariwise.
Title = "Online Signature Authentication by Using Mouse Behavior",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="253 - 257",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="Jitender Kumar S Goutham Amitabh Kumar"}
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