IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 8

Review of the Introduction and Use of RFID

Fariba Ghorbany Beram Mojtaba Khayat Sajjad Ghorbany Beram
keywords : Radio Frequency identification; tag; network; challenge

We live in an age where technology is an integral part of human daily life. The aim of the technology is secure, accurate, correct use of time for mankind and nature brings it may also have disadvantages and challenges. In this paper we describe the RFID technology. Today, this technology in hospitals, shops, airports, tracking birds are used. It can be used in hospital intensive care unit for monitoring and remote patient care, which causes it to print patients and physicians are not required to comply with very close distance, the result of which can cause safety Patients and physicians should be. The security technology implementation is a challenge. This paper introduces the applications, the challenges we have this technology.
Title = "Review of the Introduction and Use of RFID",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="614 - 617",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="Fariba Ghorbany Beram Mojtaba Khayat Sajjad Ghorbany Beram"}
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