IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 9

Impacts of Object Oriented Programming on Web Application Development

Onu F. U. Osisikankwu P. U. Madubuike C. E. James G.
keywords : Object-Oriented Paradigm; Web; Web 2.0; RIAs; URL.

Development of web application nowadays can hardly survive without object oriented approach except for the purpose of just information display. The complexity of application development and the need for content organization has raised the need for web application developers to embrace object oriented programming approach. This paper exposes the impact of object oriented programming on web application development. The exposition was done through a detailed study and analysis of information from secondary sources. The internet was usefully employed to access journal articles for both national and international sources. Our study enables web developers and designers to understand web application features, tools and methodologies for developing web application. It also keeps researchers and scholars abreast of the boost which OOP has brought into Web Applications development.
@artical{ 492015ijcatr04091011,
Title = "Impacts of Object Oriented Programming on Web Application Development",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="706 - 710",
Year = "2015",
Authors =" Onu F. U. Osisikankwu P. U. Madubuike C. E. James G. "}
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