IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 9

Interactive Multimedia Based on Contextual Children's Stories: Improving the Skills of Writing Fairy Tales for Elementary School Students

Rina Rahayu, Khairil Ansari, Sriadhi
keywords : multimedia media; contextual; children's stories; fairy tale writing skills

The purpose of this research is to (1) produce interactive multimedia based on contextual children's stories that are valid for students; (2) produce interactive multimedia based on contextual children's stories that are practical for students; and (3) produce interactive multimedia based on contextual children's stories that are effective for students. The research conducted is included in Development and Research. In this research, learning media using Adobe Flash will be developed. This research was conducted at Peureulak 2 Public Elementary School, East Aceh District, Aceh Province. The subjects of this research were class III A students at Peureulak 2 Elementary School, and the object of this research was contextual children's story-based learning media. research and development model, or R&D. Development research is a research process that has the aim of developing new products or updating old ones. With Thiagarajan's 4D development model. The results of research and development show that: (1) the results of contextual-based multimedia validity tests were obtained from 3 experts, namely 82% material experts, 78% multimedia experts, and 90% language experts, so that the average is valid; (2) the results of the practicality test were obtained from the results of the student response test and the teacher response test. In the results of the small-scale student response trial, the percentage score was 79%, and in the results of the large-scale student response trial, it was 76%. teacher response test (87%). Average trial: 87% Practical category; and (3) the results of the effectiveness test obtained Gain-Score, or improvement in students' writing skills, was seen from the pretest and protest. There was an increase in the classical average score of 0.56, and there was a "medium" increase in learning outcomes. The results of the gain score analysis were 0.60 in the medium category. It can be concluded that using multimedia learning can improve student learning outcomes and fulfill the criteria for effectiveness.
Title = "Interactive Multimedia Based on Contextual Children's Stories: Improving the Skills of Writing Fairy Tales for Elementary School Students",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="7 - 16",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Rina Rahayu, Khairil Ansari, Sriadhi"}
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