Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 11, Issue 12, Pages 400 - 482 ( December - 2022 )
1) |
Development of General Chemistry Learning Media (Thermochemistry) Using Web Based Learning ModelPages 400 - 404Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Pasar Maulim Silitonga, Marudut Sinaga, Ani Sutiani, Jamalum Purba
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Best French Android-Based Educational Game For Beginner-Level French Language LearnersPages 405 - 408Pengadilen Sembiring, Baharuddin, Reni Rahmadani, Hesti Fibriasari, Rizki Fadila Nasution
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Application of Augmented Reality Technology to Hospitality French LearningPages 409 - 412Ria Fuji Destria, Zulherman, Hesti Fibriasari, Baharuddin, Rizki Fadila Nasution
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The Effectiveness of Developing Interactive Learning Media on Learning Basic Concept MaterialPages 413 - 415Charles Fransiscus Ambarita, Dita Eka Pertiwi Sirait, Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita
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The Practicality of Developing Module as a Learning Media in Communication Psychology CoursePages 416 - 418Nasrun, Edizal Hatmi, Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita
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The Effectiveness of Developing E-Book Learning Media in Class Management CoursePages 419 - 422Laurensia Masri Perangin Angin, Andri Kristianto Sitanggang, Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita, Edizal Hatmi, Charles Fransiscus Ambarita
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A Comparative Analysis of Advanced Ensemble Models in Cervical Cancer PredictionPages 423 - 430Rebecca Adhiambo Okaka
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The Effectiveness of Developing Learning Media Based-Lectora Inspire in English CoursePages 431 - 433Andri Kristianto Sitanggang, Naeklan Simbolon, Eva Betty Simanjuntak, Charles Fransiscus Ambarita, Laurensia Masri Perangin Angin, Dody Feliks Pandimun Ambarita, Edizal Hatmi
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An Analysis on the Effectiveness of ICT Integration In Learning in Higher Education Institutions in Covid-19 EraPages 434 - 450Boniface Mwangi Wambui, Hellen Nyambura, Nicholas Muriuki
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Sentiment Analysis of YouTube Comments: Potential Indonesian Presidential Election CandidatesPages 451 - 456Dimaz Cahya Ardhi, Dwi Puspita Sari
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Development of Weblog for Learning Tool on Creative Product and Entrepreneurship for Tourism Vocational High SchoolPages 457 - 463Rotua Sahat Pardamean Simanullang, Sri Mutmainnah, Ellys Siregar, Gartima Sitanggang
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Presentation Slide Control Based on Hand GesturesPages 464 - 469Nelson Sinaga, Baharuddin, Hesti Fibriasari, Bakti Dwi Waluyo, Joni Syafrin Rambey
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A Review of the Effects of Fifth-Generation Mobile Networks (5G) on the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) and the Digital Transformation of BusinessesPages 470 - 473Duncan Nyale, Charles Katila
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A Survey of Artificial Intelligence in Cyber SecurityPages 474 - 477Duncan Nyale, Shem Mbandu Angolo
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A Survey of Contemporary and Emerging Research Methods in Information Systems ResearchPages 478 - 482Duncan Nyale, Salome Mwangi, Simon Karume
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