Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 12, Issue 8, Pages 1 - 145 ( August - 2023 )
1) |
Canva Application-Based Learning Media: Improving Mathematics Learning Outcomes in Fraction Materials for Elementary School StudentsPages 1 - 7Friska Apriani Siregar, Abdul Hasan Saragih, Erma Julia
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ICARE-Based Interactive Learning Media: Improving Digestive System Biology Learning Outcomes for Junior High School StudentsPages 8 - 13Rendra Aprilian Wirani Putra, R Mursid, Sriadhi
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3) |
Games Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning: Improving Science Learning Outcomes for Elementary StudentsPages 14 - 21Hikmah Hafidza, R. Mursid, Naeklan Simbolon
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Problem- Based Learning Informatics E-LKPD: Improving Computational Thinking SkillsPages 22 - 30Fitri Nurul Muthmainah, Sahat Siagian, R. Mursid
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Local Culture-Based Comic Strip: Improving Elementary Students' Social SkillsPages 31 - 38Fahlila Mutia, Sugiharto, R. Mursid
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INOLYN Learning Model Based on Blended Learning: Improving Learning Outcomes for Basics of Beauty and SPA Vocational School StudentsPages 39 - 46Ferlyn Anggarani Sumbayak, Efendi Napitupulu, Farihah
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Project-Based Learning Audio-Visual Learning Media: Improving Chemistry Learning OutcomesPages 47 - 54Seni Sehati Br. Surbakti, Harun Sitompul, Abdul Hasan Saragih
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Interactive Multimedia-Based Learning Media: Improving Mandarin Learning OutcomesPages 55 - 62Elizabeth Munthe, Efendi Napitupulu, Farihah
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Project-Based Learning Interactive Media: Improving Learning Outcomes Special Makeup in Skin and Hair BeautyPages 63 - 69Putri Geamasih SAB, Harun Sitompul, Dina Ampera
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Interactive Media Based on Contextual Teaching and Learning: Improving the Learning Outcomes of Computer SystemsPages 70 - 77Debby Latifah Simatupang, Sahat Siagian, Sriadhi
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UNO Card Media: Improving Learning Outcomes of Colors and Numbers Through the Role Play Learning Model for Kindergarten StudentsPages 78 - 84Martha Ulina Gultom, Sahat Siagian, Samsidar Tanjung
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Development Of Interactive Digital Big Book History of North Sumatra as A Source of Learning for History Education Students on the MBKM CurriculumPages 85 - 89Flores Tanjung, Abd. Haris Nasution
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Implementation of a Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Based Cashless Vending MachinePages 90 - 98Okafor, P. C., Ituma, C., James, G. G.
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Enhancing Security Measures for Mobile Banking Applications: A Comprehensive Analysis of Threats, Vulnerabilities, and Countermeasures in Kenya Banking IndustryPages 99 - 112George N. Wainaina, Denis Kiyeng, Nelson Masese
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The Usage of Open-Source Applications in Teaching and Learning of Computing Courses in the Institutions of Higher LearningPages 113 - 125Daniel Njeru, Hellen Nyambura, Boniface Mwangi
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Investigating Potential Applications of Machine Learning Techniques for Personal Data Protection in E-commercePages 126 - 145George N. Wainaina, Ruth Oginga, Denis K. Kiyeng
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