Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 4, Issue 12, Pages 878 - 981 ( December - 2015 )
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Analyzing Customer Behaviour through Data MiningPages 884 - 888Sandeep Kumar Rakesh Kumar Arora
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The Mathematics of Social Network Analysis: Metrics for Academic Social NetworksPages 889 - 893Tasleem Arif
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Surveying about Different Procedures of Intensifying Cloud Security and Presenting New Idea Based on Kalman FilteringPages 894 - 899Soudabeh Salehi Rekavandy Maryam Davodpour Mahdiye Abbassi Golnaz Parvaneh Hosseini
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Design and Implementing Novel Independent Real-Time Software Programmable DAQ System using Multipurpose MCU and Sigma DeltaPages 900 - 905Zohreh Vahedi Maryam KaivanluShahrestanaki Hooman Kashanian
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E-government Implementation in Kenya, an evaluation of Factors hindering or promoting e-government successful implementationPages 906 - 915Francis Osanya Wamoto
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A Proposed Simulation Model of Automatic Machine For House Paint Selection Using Finite State AutomataPages 916 - 922Emigawaty
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Redundant Actor Based Multi-Hole Healing System for Mobile Sensor NetworksPages 923 - 927S. Himabindu B. Brahma Reddy
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Isolated Arabic Handwritten Character Recognition Using Linear CorrelationPages 928 - 932Abd Elhafeez Hamid Mariam M. Musa Mona M. Osman Moahib M. Alamien
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Analytical Comparison of Mathematical Modeling in the Diagnostic Expert SystemsPages 933 - 935Ali Amooji
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Predicting the Impact of a Technology for Instantly Verifying the Licenses of Vehicles/Drivers in GhanaPages 936 - 942Abeo Timothy Apasiba Ernest D. Ganaa Zakaria Abukari
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Novel Approach for Card PaymentPages 943 - 946Amrapali Patil Piyush Potdar Swapnaja Lomte
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An Inventory Model with Variable Demand Rate for Deteriorating Items under Permissible Delay in PaymentsPages 947 - 951Ajay Kumar Agrawal Kuldeep
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Significant Role of Statistics in Computational SciencesPages 952 - 955Rakesh Kumar Singh Neeraj Tiwari R.C. Prasad
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SPHMS : Smart Patient m-Healthcare Monitoring System with NFC and IOTPages 956 - 959Hoda Ramin Hossein
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Destination Aware APU Strategy for Geographic Routing in MANETPages 960 - 965Yukti Abhilasha jain
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BVN Implementation and Data Protection in NigeriaPages 966 - 981Geraldine O. Mbah
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