Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 172 - 212 ( April - 2017 )
1) |
CPU Performance in Data Migrating from Virtual Machine to Physical Machine in Cloud ComputingPages 172 - 174Lochan.B , Dr. Divyashree B A
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3) |
An Approach to Face Recognition Using Feed Forward Neural NetworkPages 183 - 189Sajetha T , Samyama Gunjal GH
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An Examination of the Bloom Filter and its Application in Preventing Weak Password ChoicesPages 190 - 193Nancy Cheng , Fabio Rocca
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Cost-Efficient Task Scheduling with Ant Colony Algorithm for Executing Large Programs In Cloud ComputingPages 194 - 198Fatemeh Imani , Shiva Razzaghzadeh , Masoud Bekravi
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Significance and Application of Computer-Based Forecasting to Governance and LeadershipPages 199 - 208Fergus U. Onu , Michael O. Ezeji
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Unstructured Datasets Analysis: Thesaurus ModelPages 209 - 212Parvathy Gopakumar , Neethu Maria John , Vinodh P Vijayan
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