Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 7, Issue 4, Pages 158 - 192 ( April - 2018 )
1) |
Addressing Security Issues and Challenges in Mobile Cloud ComputingPages 158 - 162Nirmal Kumar Gupta , Gaurav Raj
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2) |
Building Blocks for Eco-efficient Cloud Computing for Higher Learning Institutions in TanzaniaPages 163 - 170Rodrick Frank Mero
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3) |
A Secure MSSS Scheme and AES Encryption over Cloud DataPages 171 - 174Sreelakshmy D Unni , Neethu Maria John
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4) |
Intrusion Detection against DDoS Attack in WiMAX Network by Artificial Immune SystemPages 175 - 184Mehrafrooz Reyhani , Vahid Ayatollahitafti , Mohsen Sardari Zarchi
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5) |
Techniques to Control Memory Hogging by Web Browsers: An in-Depth ReviewPages 185 - 192Harun K. Kamau , Dr.O.McOyowo , Dr.O.Okoyo , Dr.C.Ratemo
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