Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 8, Issue 12, Pages 441 - 486 ( December - 2019 )
1) |
Service Audit in Filling Annual tax Return Using The Cobit 5 Framework at Tabanan Primary Tax service OfficePages 441 - 445Ilham Anggit Hadi Pradana, Dwi Putra Githa, I Putu Agung Bayupati
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2) |
Adaptive Histogram Equalization to Increase the Percentage of Face RecognitionPages 446 - 451Kadek Suar Wibawa,Gusti Made Arya Sasmita,Kadek Suar Wibawa
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3) |
A Planning Strategy of Charging Facilities Selection for Electric VehiclesPages 452 - 456Lingling Yang,Wenzao Li,Shuang Xiao,Jianwei Liu,Zhan Wen
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4) |
Evaluating the Topaz ERP System Effectiveness Using a System Integrative ApproachPages 457 - 466Emmanuel Peters,George Kwamina Aggrey
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5) |
The Efficacy of Integrating Various Technological Systems into the Management of Smart TV Station DataCentresPages 467 - 472Mohamad Fakhredine,Prof. Teodora Bakardjieva
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6) |
Leveraging Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning for Strategic Business Decision-Making and Competitive AdvantagePages 473 - 486Olalekan Hamed Olayinka
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