Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
Volume 8, Issue 5, Pages 149 - 216 ( May - 2019 )
1) |
Data Replication for the Distributed Database Using Decision Support SystemsPages 149 - 152P.Elango, Dr.K.Kuppusamy, N.Prabhu, Dr.N.M.Mallika
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2) |
Use and Analysis on Cyclomatic Complexity in Software DevelopmentPages 153 - 156Chandrakant R. Gujar
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3) |
Student Performance PredictionPages 157 - 160Isha D Shetty, Dipshi Shetty, Sneha Roundhal
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4) |
Analysis of Student Feedback using Deep LearningPages 161 - 164Shejwal Asmita S, Deokar Anuja T, Dumbre Ashwini B.
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5) |
Segmentation of Brain MR Images with ITK ToolkitPages 165 - 169P. Narendran, Dr V Thiagarasu
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6) |
Application of Knowledge Management System Using Influence of Inukshuk and Kano Model (Case Study : Palembang Private Higher Education)Pages 170 - 175Orissa Octaria,Ermatita,Sukemi
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7) |
Frequent Itemset in Sequential Pattern Matching Using BigdataPages 176 - 178M. Ilakkiya, D. Vinotha
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8) |
Search Engine Development to Enhance User CommunicationPages 179 - 181Ms.K. Ramya,Mrs.D. Vinotha
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9) |
A Learnability Model for Children Mobile ApplicationsPages 182 - 195Stephen Kioko,Michael Kimwele,Lawrence Nderu
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10) |
A Model for Code Restructuring, A Tool for Improving Systems Quality In Compliance With Object Oriented Coding PracticePages 196 - 200Moses Kibet Yegon Ngetich,Dr Collins Otieno,Dr Michael Kimwele
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11) |
A Review of Fuzzy Logic Model for Analysis of Computer Network Quality of ExperiencePages 201 - 212Walter .B. Kihuya ,Dr. Calvins Otieno,Dr. Richard Rimiru
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12) |
Density Based Traffic Signalling System using Image ProcessingPages 213 - 216Adwait Sharma,Aayush Soni ,Rahul Rajpurohit,Angelin Florence
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