IJCATR Volume 10 Issue 12

Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces in Multi-Input-Single-Output Indoor Hotspot Environment

Anas Machfudy Al Junaedi, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, M. Fauzan Edy Purnomo
keywords : MISO, IRS, relay, achievable rate, energy efficiency

The evolution of 5G and beyond is boosting the development of telecommunication technology. In the future communication system, achievable rate and energy efficiency become the main aspects due to highly reliable and low latency requirements. Applying multiple antennas and applying cooperative communication scenarios to the system may enhance the network's performance. Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRS) and relaying protocols are some examples of cooperative communication applications. IRS is multiple two-dimensional meta-surface elements that can reflect the incoming signal to get the desirable beam-forming based on its phase. While the relay is a device that can be used to enhance the performance of the networks based on its protocols such as amplify forward (AF) and decode forward (DF). Accordingly, this paper studies an IRS supporting MISO transmission and compares it with the relay deployment scenario. As a result, IRS has higher performance compared with any other scenario, and adding more IRS elements may enhance the achievable rate.
Title = "Performance Analysis of Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces in Multi-Input-Single-Output Indoor Hotspot Environment",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "10",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="261 - 266",
Year = "2021",
Authors ="Anas Machfudy Al Junaedi, Sholeh Hadi Pramono, M. Fauzan Edy Purnomo"}
  • The paper analyses the performance of the MISO communication network.
  • Different schemes are deployed to analyze the system performance.
  • In the simulation, performance evaluation carried out in the indoor hotspot scenario.
  • The main objective of our paper is to compare the traditional relay and intelligent reflecting surfaces