IJCATR Volume 10 Issue 4

The Impact of Ransomware on Individuals and Organizations in this Modern Era, Ways Forward

Ike Mgbeafulike , Ifeose Justin N.
keywords : Ransomware, Ransom, cryptocurrency, Malware, cryptoviral extortion.

Ransomware is a severe security bottleneck and threat faced by individuals and organizations today in computer and information technology, and ransomware attacks are on the increase by the day. There is no infallible solution for protecting against Ransomware as the malware code uses metamorphic and polymorphic algorithms to generate different versions, thus evading signature detection. Ransomware also uses domain generator algorithms (DGA) to generate new domains for the command and control server (C&C), they constantly exploit new vulnerabilities, and they use various infection vectors. Thus, for an individual or organization to protect itself, an adaptive security architecture must constantly monitor the system to detect new ransomware infections at an early stage such that they block them before encryption of the files done. This approach is a defense in depth approach that supplements the network defenses such as patch management, anti-virus software, intrusion detection, firewalls, and content filtering. A framework for implementing the preempt and preventive security architecture model using open -source software was presented and the proposed framework is tested against the WannaCry and Petya Ransomware. The proposed framework was successfully able to alert of the ransomware attack and, it was even possible to prevent the Petya ransomware from executing on the victim host.
Title = "The Impact of Ransomware on Individuals and Organizations in this Modern Era, Ways Forward",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "10",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="96 - 105",
Year = "2021",
Authors ="Ike Mgbeafulike , Ifeose Justin N."}