IJCATR Volume 10 Issue 5

Smart Stadium using Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT): Existing and New Models

Mustafa Jamal Mahdi, Abbas Fadhil Aljuboori , Mudhafar Hussein Ali
keywords : IoT, Cloud Computing, Smart Stadium, Web Application, Smart Application.

In our life technology is important there are two entirely various technologies are cloud computing and the IoT and both are very portion of our lives. They are supposed to be more common in their acceptance and use, making them essential ingredients of the future Internet worldwide. Because of the lack of time in our working life and the follow-up of all operations that we must follow before any match is held on any stadium in the world. An aspect of precautionary measures is discussed here before every match. In this research, a discussion was conducted on how to integrate cloud computing and the IoT and use them to work in developing stadiums in the word and made it smart. Several existing and new models of smart stadium are although explained.
Title = "Smart Stadium using Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT): Existing and New Models",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "10",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="111 - 118",
Year = "2021",
Authors ="Mustafa Jamal Mahdi, Abbas Fadhil Aljuboori , Mudhafar Hussein Ali"}
  • The paper proposes an important survey on smart stadium applications
  • Different methods of cloud computing are illustrated
  • Different models of IoT are reviewed
  • Smart Stadium with IoT and cloud computing models are explained.