IJCATR Volume 11 Issue 11

Application of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Hypermedia Learning

Harvei Desmon Hutahaean, Muhammad Dani Solihin, Ali Akbar Lubis, Muhammad Isnaini
keywords : Hypermedia, Computer Assisted Instruction, Learning, Digital Image Processing

Various types of applications of computer-aided technology have begun to be used in the learning process. The application when viewed from the way it is presented and the goals to be achieved include tutorials, namely the presentation of the material in stages, a drill that aims to help students master the material that has been learned before, as well as simulations and games, namely exercises in applying the knowledge and skills that have just been learned. One form of computer-based learning media that can be used is hypermedia. Hypermedia refers to computer software that uses elements of text, graphics, video, and audio that are connected, which can make it easier for users to switch to information. Communication between students and computers in Computer Assisted Instruction includes several stages, namely: (1) The computer presents the subject matter, (2) The learner studies the material, (3) the computer asks questions, (4) The learner gives a response, (5) The computer checks the response, if it is judged to be correct, the computer presents the next material, but if it is judged to be wrong, the computer gives the correct answer along with the explanation. The application of Computer Assisted Instruction in the development of learning hypermedia produces a product, namely learning hypermedia on digital image material. In testing the effectiveness of hypermedia products, students are carried out through post-testing. The results of the post-test obtained 75% of the results stated that the digital image learning hypermedia product was effective for use.
Title = " Application of Computer-Assisted Instruction in Hypermedia Learning",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="388 - 390",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Harvei Desmon Hutahaean, Muhammad Dani Solihin, Ali Akbar Lubis, Muhammad Isnaini"}
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