IJCATR Volume 11 Issue 8

Salesforce Contact Validation using LinkedIn Sales Navigator for CRM

Sameer F, Dr. Chethana R Murthy
keywords : Salesforce, LinkedIn sales navigator, CRM, Automation, Selenium

Customer relationship management is a process in which a business or other organization administers its interactions with customers, typically using data analysis to study large amounts of information. Keeping the CRM contacts up-to date and in sync is an important task as it is the main pillar to any Customer Relation. This paper presents the use of the LinkedIn Sales Navigator for validating the out-of-sync contacts in CRM. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a sales intelligence platform that enables virtual selling by allowing sales professionals to build and maintain relationships with their buyers at scale. This paper makes use of Selenium, Java, JSON, and automation to validate the Salesforce Contacts.
Title = "Salesforce Contact Validation using LinkedIn Sales Navigator for CRM",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="305 - 307",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Sameer F, Dr. Chethana R Murthy "}
  • The paper proposes the use of LinkedIn Sales Navigator for Contact validation.
  • The paper proposes an automated process to validate contacts in CRM.
  • Since it is an automated process, it can be reused.
  • This process can be used to validate lakhs of contacts in CRM.