IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 1

Smart Worker Monitoring System Using Facial Recognition and Deep Learning Techniques

Manikantha K, Kushagra Mittal, Bikash Mishra, Abhinav TL
keywords : privacy; active; recognition; authentication; authenticity;

Organizations are increasingly tracking staff gadgets and monitoring their output. We want to create a system that not only protects employees’ privacy but also aids companies in managing their workforce and obtaining accurate productivity data. We were able to keep an eye on the background activity and record the names of the applications and their active times. A facial recognition system is used to implement the employee authentication procedure, maintaining authenticity.
Title = "Smart Worker Monitoring System Using Facial Recognition and Deep Learning Techniques",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="60 - 62",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Manikantha K, Kushagra Mittal, Bikash Mishra, Abhinav TL"}
  • The paper provides comprehensive solutions to organization safety and also considers employee privacy.
  • The management would benefit from the reports of this analysis in the overall review of the activity.
  • This program aims to assist businesses in achieving their goal of increased productivity as work monitoring and tracking become a significant component of remote working situations.
  • It not only tracked them but also recorded their identities and the duration of time the background apps were running.