IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 12

Framework with Enhanced Routing algorithm for Mobile Sensor Network

Hemalatha S, Dr. E. George Dharma Prakash Raj
keywords : Mobile sensor network, Clustering, Mobility, Energy Efficiency

Mobile sensor network is subgroup of wireless mobile sensor networks, in which each node are mobile in nature. In heterogeneous sensor network, the network mobility is unpredictable. Routing in mobile sensor network is major challenging with various real time applications. Sensor nodes are mobile in nature, data transmission and data reception process incur packet loss, delay on delivery, packet delivery ratio and energy depletion. To overcome this problem Cluster based routing technique introduced and simulated to acquire. This paper explains about the clustering based routing algorithms in Mobile Sensor Networks that have been proposed earlier by the authors in different journals and further compares the packet delivery rate, energy consumption, latency delay and packet loss of the network based on time interval. This paper analyses the result based on existing routing algorithms like Enhanced perimeter forwarding algorithm (EPFA), partial partitioned Greedy Algorithm (PPGA), Enhanced Efficient routing algorithm (EERA) Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks. Above routing algorithms to be analyzed with set of sensor nodes, simulation results shows an ultimate solution to Mobile Sensor Networks
Title = "Framework with Enhanced Routing algorithm for Mobile Sensor Network",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="41 - 47",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Hemalatha S, Dr. E. George Dharma Prakash Raj "}
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