IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 2

Development of Android-Based Learning as Interactive Learning Media in Reaction Rate Material on XI Class SMA Student

Ramlan Silaban, Irving Josafat Alexander, Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Hendra Simanjuntak, Julianshe Lydia Nababan, Marham Sitorus
keywords : android-based; learning media; learning outcomes, reaction rate

This aims of this study are to: (1) find out whether android-based interactive learning media that developed have met the feasibility standards based on the android-based integrated BSNP, (2) find out whether student learning outcomes taught using android-based interactive learning media that have been developed higher than the Minimum Completeness Criteria (KKM) score on the reaction rate material. This research is a Research and Development with the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation) model which was carried out in the odd semester of the 2021/2022 academic year at SMAN 12 Medan. At the implementation stage, a one-group pre-test post-test design was used, with sampling using a cluster random sampling technique consisting of one XI science class at SMAN 12 Medan. The results of the validation of the android-based media obtained for the feasibility of the contents is 3.75; display feasibility is 3.83; language feasibility is 4, and graphic feasibility is 3.83. Overall, android-based learning media obtained a feasibility level of 3.85, with a very feasible category. Furthermore, android-based learning media on the reaction rate material is implemented in the learning process. The KKM scores and the students' average post-test scores were 78 and 85.6, respectively. The data obtained were analyzed using the right-hand t-test. The result of data analysis is that tcount is in the significant area, tcount > ttable = 4.146 > 1.711. So that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students who are taught using Android-based interactive learning media are higher than the KKM value.
Title = "Development of Android-Based Learning as Interactive Learning Media in Reaction Rate Material on XI Class SMA Student",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="22 - 31",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Ramlan Silaban, Irving Josafat Alexander, Freddy Tua Musa Panggabean, Hendra Simanjuntak, Julianshe Lydia Nababan, Marham Sitorus "}
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