IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 5

Protocol Build by the Chaotic Map and Magic Square for Exchange Key Share

Dr. Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim, Majed Ismael Sameer
keywords : Diffie-Hellman; communication channel;magic square; chaotic map; share key

In order to reach the level of security between the two parties or a group of parties in the communication channel, the inputs of the protocol algorithm must be characterized by the sensitivity of the initial parameters and conditions involved in the chaotic functions with great ability to change in any very slight manipulation of the inputs by the attacker or intruder because there will be Much of the fundamental change in the values of the shared keys of the two parties or participants in the system, as well as the prime numbers and primitive roots, is hidden rather than public. Use the magic square system algorithm to find the magic constant from the values of the Defy protocol algorithm with the chaotic values of three dimensions, and this magic constant will give us the long values of the shared keys between the parties participating in the group or the server used to distribute the shared keys to the parties, ensuring that this protocol is not attacked by a third party trying to enter the communication channel. The performance of the algorithm was analyzed by conducting and measuring the efficiency of protocol implementation, analyzing key length and sensitivity, and finding the speed of algorithm performance within the acceptable range of the number of participants in the system. A protocol algorithm in Matlab R2013b was used to implement the algorithm and perform the analyses.
Title = "Protocol Build by the Chaotic Map and Magic Square for Exchange Key Share",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="3 - 8",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Dr. Abdul-Wahab Sami Ibrahim, Majed Ismael Sameer"}
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