IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 6

Preparing Atomic Structure and Periodical System Android Based-Teaching Media using Funchem Smart Apps Creator Program

Ramlan Silaban, Roselva Theresia Manalu, Osi Annauli Br. Girsang, Marham Sitorus, Simson Tarigan, Irving Josafat Alexander
keywords : Learning Media, General Chemistry, Atomic Structure, Periodic System Elements, Android based Learning, Smart Apps Creator.

Learning media is one of the developments in information technology that has an impact on the world of education. As a result, the education sector must be able to use technology to create multimedia-based learning media that are more appealing, interactive, and comprehensive. The purpose of this research and development is to describe the preparation step, feasibility (validity), effectiveness, and improvement of student learning interest through learning media using an Android-based teaching model developed in general chemistry learning of atomic structure and periodic system elements material using the 4D development model. This research and development resulted Android based learning applications with a capacity of 28.3 MB “Funchem” that has been declared valid (appropriate) with the goal of creating learning applications that are accurate and concise for usage by students. Validity is met based on the assessment of the validators of material experts and media experts with the feasibility level for media eligibility is 87.5% and for material eligibility is 85.6%, putting it in the highly feasible category for both media and material.
Title = "Preparing Atomic Structure and Periodical System Android Based-Teaching Media using Funchem Smart Apps Creator Program",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="6",
Pages ="1 - 7",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Ramlan Silaban, Roselva Theresia Manalu, Osi Annauli Br. Girsang, Marham Sitorus, Simson Tarigan, Irving Josafat Alexander"}
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