IJCATR Volume 12 Issue 7

Optimization of Water Wells Production for Water Cleaning Process

Mustapha Malami Idina, Adam Kamrás
keywords : Optimization; Pollution; Optimization controller; Process Algorithm; Weighted Average; Linear programming

This paper presents a model to optimize water Well production for a water cleaning process to maintain the pollution level of a polluted ground water area with 20 Wells of varied pollution concentrations. In Hungary, a pharmaceutical company contaminated an area by using different chemicals to manufacture drugs. The production area has Wells with different concentrations and needs to be cleaned to maintain a constant pollution concentration. I cannot discuss the company, its location, or the production area. My model will tackle this complex real-life problem based on this problem. Mathematically, the problem is simpler, but it involves numerous Wells with varied concentrations. We will start by defining the values of our 20 Wells, computing the weighted average, comparing two and three Wells to understand how they operate, and then using MATLAB to graph their relationship. Second, as the model becomes more sophisticated, we will group the Wells into four groups and analyse them to find the best operating combination. We will next utilize our best combination from the analysis to create a process algorithm for our model. Our main goal is to design a process algorithm optimization controller for our model so that the Wells can function at a constant capacity of 16 litre/mins to generate water with 55% average pollution even if one or two Wells are not working at full capacity. The optimization controller will iteratively adjust the Well production capacity until the weighted average pollution level reaches 55%.
Title = "Optimization of Water Wells Production for Water Cleaning Process",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "12",
Issue ="7",
Pages ="77 - 83",
Year = "2023",
Authors ="Mustapha Malami Idina, Adam Kamrás"}
  • Development of a model to optimize well production in areas with varying pollution levels.
  • Utilization of weighted avg and MATLAB to determine the best operating combination for wells.
  • Creation of a process algorithm optimization controller to maintain a constant production capacity of 16 liters/min and achieve a 55% average pollution level.
  • Highlighting the significance of optimized well production for sustainable and effective water cleaning processes, even with partial well capacity.