IJCATR Volume 13 Issue 5

An Automated System for Ranking of Scholarship Applicants on the Basis of Brightness and Poverty Levels

Ekitoe, Paul, Otieno, Calvins
keywords : Ranking, Scholarship, Brightness, Poverty Level, Ranking Algorithms

Access to education is a basic right. Available resources that could aid access to education should be distributed fairly and objectively to guarantee that all those that deserve have a fair share of access. The process of selecting and awarding scholarship where the population outstrips the available resources calls for a transparent, standardized selection criteria that can be executed quickly. The study sought to develop a system that ranks scholarship applicants based on two parameters; brightness and poverty levels. The study identified parameters for generating brightness and poverty level indices. The identification of the parameters was done through exploratory approach as well as using secondary data while the development and testing of the system used experimental approach. The outcome of the system ranking was compared to the actually ranking and award made in the period of successive five years. The outcome obtained showed significant variation in ranking between the manual and automated rankings. The statistical significance of the difference as confirmed using Chi-Square and Fisher’s exact tests. This outcome tends to suggest that automated approach presents a more objective way of ranking where all applicants are evaluated using the same scale of reference. The system thus can be viewed as a tool with potential to enhance objectivity.
Title = "An Automated System for Ranking of Scholarship Applicants on the Basis of Brightness and Poverty Levels",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="35 - 41",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Ekitoe, Paul, Otieno, Calvins"}
  • The paper reviewed existing ranking approaches to identified their weaknesses.
  • Formulated the conceptual model used for ranking in the developed system.
  • Generated formula for computing the brightness, poverty level and overall ranking indices.
  • Evaluated the differences in ranking outcomes between the manual and the developed system.