IJCATR Volume 13 Issue 8

Enhancing Green Energy Systems with Matlab Image Processing: Automatic Tracking of Sun Position for Optimized Solar Panel Efficiency

Joseph Nnaemeka Chukwunweike, Samson Ademola Adeniyi, Christian Chukwuemeka Ekwomadu, Adeyemi Z. Oshilalu
keywords : 1. Solar Tracking, 2. Image Processing, 3. MATLAB, 4. Sun Position Detection, 5. Renewable Energy Systems, 6. Solar Panel Efficiency.

The demand for sustainable energy solutions has spurred advancements in solar technologies, where optimal alignment of solar panels is crucial for maximizing efficiency. This study introduces a MATLAB-based image processing approach for automatic sun position tracking to enhance solar panel performance. Utilizing a digital camera, real-time sky images are captured and processed to detect the sun’s position through image filtering, edge detection, and centroid calculation. Advanced algorithms distinguish the sun from other bright objects and noise, allowing dynamic adjustment of panel angles via a motorized mechanism to maintain optimal alignment. Simulations and experiments demonstrate significant energy capture improvements, with efficiency gains up to 30%. The system’s adaptability to varying weather conditions underscores its potential for widespread application. This research highlights the feasibility of combining image processing with renewable energy systems and suggests future work in algorithm refinement and machine learning integration to further optimize solar tracking and energy yield.
Title = "Enhancing Green Energy Systems with Matlab Image Processing: Automatic Tracking of Sun Position for Optimized Solar Panel Efficiency",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "13",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="62 - 72",
Year = "2024",
Authors ="Joseph Nnaemeka Chukwunweike, Samson Ademola Adeniyi, Christian Chukwuemeka Ekwomadu, Adeyemi Z. Oshilalu"}
  • The study introduces a MATLAB-based image processing approach for automatic sun position tracking.
  • Real-time sky images are captured and processed to dynamically adjust solar panel angles.
  • Advanced algorithms distinguish the sun from other bright objects and noise for precise tracking.
  • Simulations and experiments demonstrate efficiency gains up to 30% in energy capture.