Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
IJCATR Volume 2 Issue 3
Ballpark Figure Algorithms for Data Broadcast in Wireless Networks
K.S.Narmatha E.GeorgeDharmaPrakash Raj
keywords : Adhoc network, Ballpark algorithm, Transmit algorithm, wireless scheduling
In wireless system allocation is a necessary purpose and show industry expensive dependability in message protocol design. In multihop wireless networks, equally, imposition by a node by reason of immediate transmissions as its neighbors makes it nontrivial to graph a minimum-latency transmit algorithm, which is known to be NP-complete. A simple ballpark figure algorithm for the one-to-all transmit problem that improves all previously documented guarantees for this problem. In All-to-all transmit problem where every node sends its own consequence to all complementary nodes. In the all-to-all transmit problem, we current two algorithms with ballpark figure ratios of 20 and 34, civilizing the greatest result. A communication wants to be transmitted establishment its resource to all the previous nodes in the network. There may be different messages to be broadcasted from several sources. Two or more nodes broadcast a communication to an ordinary neighbor at the same time; the frequent node will not collect any of this communication. We say that collide has occurred at the ordinary node. So any message protocol for wireless networks must dispute with the distress of difficulty in the wireless intermediate.
Title = "Ballpark Figure Algorithms for Data Broadcast in Wireless Networks ",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "2",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="277 - 280",
Year = "2013",
Authors ="K.S.Narmatha E.GeorgeDharmaPrakash Raj"}