IJCATR Volume 3 Issue 11

Dynamic Chunks Distribution Scheme for Multiservice Load Balancing Using Fibonacci Bases Approach

D.Dhivya U.Gowrisankar
keywords : Cloud computing, load balancing, multimedia system, Fibonacci splitting approach.

Cloud computing is collection of distributed hosts which allows services on demand to user. The Centralized cloud based multimedia system CMS[4], materialized because huge number of users demand for various multimedia services through the Internet at the same time and it is hard to design effective load balancing algorithm. Load Balancing is the process which are used to distribute workloads across aggregate computing resources that maximize throughput, minimize latency. In this paper videos are split up into no of chunks and stored at hosts in a distributed manner, The chunk size increased to reduce time lag and improve performance. The cluster heads will monitor all the distribution host loads and client request which could not allow the direct communication between Client and host .Fibonacci-based breaking scheme is introduced to split a video file into number of chunks that allows to reduce the provisioning delay received by users and to optimize the resource utilization by reducing the idle time. The proposed scheme will able to view the whole video by the end user without any delay.
Title = "Dynamic Chunks Distribution Scheme for Multiservice Load Balancing Using Fibonacci Bases Approach",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "3",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="676 - 678",
Year = "2014",
Authors ="D.Dhivya U.Gowrisankar"}
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