IJCATR Volume 3 Issue 2

An Efficient Discovery of High Utility Item Setsfrom Large Database

Santhamani. V Premkumar. M Gayathri. A Gokulavani. M
keywords : Candidate itemsets; Frequent itemset; High utility itemset; Utility mining; data mining.

Identifying frequent items from database and treating each item in a database as equal. However, items are actually differs in many aspects like, profit in real application, such as retail marketing. The difference between items makes a strong impact on the decision making applications, where the values of each items are considered as utilities. Utility mining focuses on identifying the itemsets with high utility like profit, aesthetic value.High utility itemsets mining extends frequent pattern mining to discover itemsets in a large database with utility values above a given threshold. Here we use two algorithms UP-Growth and FP-Growth for mining high utility itemsets and frequent users with a set of effective strategies. The information of high utility itemsets is maintained in a UP-Tree. Candidate itemsets are generated efficiently. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is incorporated into the system by tracking the customers who are frequent buyers of the different kinds of item sets.
Title = "An Efficient Discovery of High Utility Item Setsfrom Large Database",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "3",
Issue ="2",
Pages ="114 - 118",
Year = "2014",
Authors ="Santhamani. V Premkumar. M Gayathri. A Gokulavani. M"}
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