IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 3

Identifying Disease-Treatment Relation Using ML and NLP Approach

Dhamne Kalpesh Mistari Sachin Dahite Sushil Dalvi Suraj
keywords : Machine Learning, Disease Treatment, Medline, Stemming Algorithm & Natural Language Processing Multinomial Naive Bayes algorithm

This paper presents the efficient machine learning algorithm and techniques used in extracting disease and treatment related sentences from short text published in medical papers. . In this paper better machine learning algorithms and techniques are used for extracting disease treatment relations from various medical related articles. The proposed system gives the user exactly the Disease and Treatment related sentences by avoiding unnecessary information, advertisements from the medical web page namely Medline. For making better medical decisions we can make use of this proposed technique.
@artical{ 432015ijcatr04031003,
Title = "Identifying Disease-Treatment Relation Using ML and NLP Approach",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="184 - 187",
Year = "2015",
Authors =" Dhamne Kalpesh Mistari Sachin Dahite Sushil Dalvi Suraj "}
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