IJCATR Volume 4 Issue 4

Preventing Disclosure Attacks by Secured Traffic Aware Protocol in Manets

S.Brindha Devi A. Porselvi
keywords : MANETs

In this paper we propose a system that allows a safe and secure data transfer in MANETs between the source and the destination. As MANETs are unplanned networks and networks of instant communication, they are prone to attacks like disclosure, brute force attacks etc. In this paper we mainly concentrate on limiting the disclosure attacks in MANETs. Disclosure attack means that the network is monitored quietly without modifying it. The monitoring of network is possible only if the traffic is known. Hiding of traffic between the source and destination would prevent disclosure attacks in MANETs. To hide the traffic between the source and destination we must identify it. The traffic is identified using STARS(Statistical Traffic Pattern Discovery System for MANETs) technique. Using this technique, the traffic is made observable only for the intermediary nodes and the data is sent via intermediary nodes to the destination as single hop. The data which is sent as single hop by hop via intermediary nodes prevents the malicious node from knowing the original source and destination and thus preventing MANETs from disclosure attack.
Title = "Preventing Disclosure Attacks by Secured Traffic Aware Protocol in Manets",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "4",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="327 - 330",
Year = "2015",
Authors ="S.Brindha Devi A. Porselvi"}
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