IJCATR Volume 5 Issue 5

Avoiding Man in the Middle Attack Based on ARP Spoofing in the LAN

Peta Kaleemsha Pulluru Likhitha
keywords : ARP (Address Resolution Protocol), MAC (Media access control), IP (Internet protocol), MITM, Session Hijacking, DoS, cryptography

As technology is running on its wheels, networking has turned into one of our basic aspects. In this world along with networking inimical vulnerabilities are also advancing in a drastic manner, resulting in perilous security threats. This calls for the great need of network security. ARP spoofing is one of the most common MITM attacks in the LAN. This attack can show critical implications for internet users especially in stealing sensitive information’s such as passwords. Beyond this it can facilitate other attacks like denial of service(DOS), session hijacking etc..,. In this paper we are proposing a new method by encrypting MAC address to shield from ARP cache poisoning.
Title = "Avoiding Man in the Middle Attack Based on ARP Spoofing in the LAN",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "5",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="249 - 252",
Year = "2016",
Authors ="Peta Kaleemsha Pulluru Likhitha"}
  • Institutional policy and strategies need to be established to guide the use of web 2.0 tools.
  • Using two keys one from host and other from switch hardens security.
  • Attacker cannot sniff actual Mac and he can know only encrypted mac.
  • This technique can eliminate mitm completely unlike existing technique