IJCATR Volume 5 Issue 8

Simulation of N-Way Traffic Lights Using Arduino Uno Environment

Ogwo Eme Chibuike .E. Madubuike Joseph .O. Idemudia Akaninyene Udo Ntuen
keywords : Embedded System, Light Emitting Diode (LED), Microcontroller, Simulation, Traffic Light.

Traffic is a major challenge in many cities in the world today. In many instances traffic flow is dictated by certain devices such as traffic lights. Traffic lights have become an integral part of human day-to-day life. This work focuses on the simulation of traffic light system with a microcontroller programmed on the Arduino Uno board. This system was designed to handle road traffic control as well as assisting pedestrians to move freely without auto crashes. The traffic lights simulation system was implemented using an Arduino Uno microprocessor connected to electronic circuit board. The programming platform for the simulation of the traffic light system was done using C++ programming language while the electronic circuit used was designed with some semiconductor components such as transistors, microprocessor, resistors and light emitting diodes (LEDs) to achieve optimal performance of the traffic lights.
@artical{ 582016ijcatr05081009,
Title = "Simulation of N-Way Traffic Lights Using Arduino Uno Environment",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "5",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="543 - 550",
Year = "2016",
Authors =" Ogwo Eme Chibuike .E. Madubuike Joseph .O. Idemudia Akaninyene Udo Ntuen "}
  • The paper proposes an N -way traffic light system using simulation.
  • The simulation of traffic light system was done in Arduino Uno Environment.
  • An Arduino Uno based microprocessor was used to implement the traffic light system.
  • C++ programming language was used to achieve optimal performance of system.