Frequency : 12 issues per year
Subject : Computer Applications and Technology
ISSN : 2319–8656 (Online)
IJCATR Volume 6 Issue 10
Strategies to Implement Knowledge Management Systems
MaryJane C. McGee , Ify S. Diala
keywords : knowledge sharing; knowledge management; implementation Strategies; organizational Knowledge; collaboration.
More than 38% of the U.S. public workforce will likely retire by 2030, which may result in a labor shortage. Business leaders may adopt strategies to mitigate knowledge loss within their organizations by capturing knowledge in a knowledge management system (KMS). The purpose of this single case study was to explore strategies that information technology (IT) managers use to develop and implement a KMS. The target population consisted of IT managers in a small-sized organization located in northwestern Florida who had implemented a KMS successfully. The conceptual framework for this study was organizational knowledge creation theory. The collection of public documents, execution of semistructured interviews with 5 qualified participants, literature on the topic, and member checking formed the determination of the findings of the study. Using triangulation and coding the data for emergent themes, 6 themes emerged from the data analysis: (a) training, (b) customer focus, (c) policy and governance, (d) leadership and management support, (e) communication and marketing, and (f) business process management. The application of the findings may contribute to social change by identifying strategies that leaders and IT managers from communities and government agencies use in implementing a KMS that may facilitate transparency and open flow of information to citizens, and allow access to timely, civic, and potentially life-enhancing information.
Title = "Strategies to Implement Knowledge Management Systems",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "6",
Issue ="10",
Pages ="441 - 450",
Year = "2017",
Authors ="MaryJane C. McGee , Ify S. Diala"}
The paper proposes adoption of strategies to mitigate Knowledge loss in organizations
The idea is to capture and retain knowledge from departing employees
Implementation of knowledge management system may benefit leaders and organizations
Good knowledge management process means better retention and sharing of information