IJCATR Volume 8 Issue 11

Android-Based High School Management Information System

I Wayan Adi Krisna, I Nyoman Piarsa, Putu Wira Buana
keywords : Android, Schedule, Attendance, Grade, News, Notification

Android is a digital platform that often used in current society. It is used by almost all communities, either youngsters or adults, including students and high school teachers. Schools generally apply a conventional way when it comes to the academic process, such as a teacher gives grades by writing them down, students manually write their schedules every semester, giving announcement by gathering the students in the hall and ask students to attend school just to take their report cards. The Android Based High School Management Information System is created to facilitate school academic process. The system can be used by the teachers and students to make the school academic process easier. Furthermore, the student guardians receive the notifications about the student attendance and grade report. This academic process can be applied anytime and anywhere as long as it is connected to the internet. The teachers can input the grades via phone, getting latest school information, seeing the given grades and schedules. The students can see their schedules, getting the latest information, seeing their grades and notifications whenever the teachers have input their grades. The student guardians can get the students attendance and grade report.
Title = "Android-Based High School Management Information System",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="415 - 419",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="I Wayan Adi Krisna, I Nyoman Piarsa, Putu Wira Buana"}