IJCATR Volume 8 Issue 11

Website-based High School Management Information System

Komang Wahyu Dewantara, I Nyoman Piarsa, Putu Wira Buana
keywords : Technology; Values; Data; School; Efficient

Technology development has a great benefit in improving the quality of a school, for example the utilization of technology for value management. Many schools have not benefited yet from the current technological developments. Academic data in the form of value and attendance reports are still manually managed (written), therefore the data storage and management are inefficient. The solution for the related problems is inputting an existing archive into a website-based information system that enhances the efficiency of data management, especially in managing student value information. As the result, school management information system application is created, where it has a feature that can improve school's working quality. The results can be concluded that it has been successfully applied based on the tests that have been conducted, such as testing application directly, conducting an analysis and analyzing the progress of the applied school.
Title = "Website-based High School Management Information System",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="11",
Pages ="420 - 424",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Komang Wahyu Dewantara, I Nyoman Piarsa, Putu Wira Buana "}