IJCATR Volume 9 Issue 1

Business Process Reengineering at Bakery X with the Odoo Application Implementation

Made Diah Pradnya Pramitadewi, Dwi Putra Githa, Ni Kadek Dwi Rusjayanthi
keywords : Business Process Reengineering, Key Performance Indicators, Sales Process, Procurement Process, Production Process, Odoo Application.

Bakeries are one of the business ventures that have intense business competition. However, the sales, procurement, and production processes that are still manual make it difficult to maintain market share, so it is necessary to be efficient in all fields including ongoing business processes in order to increase competitiveness. The way to improve business process efficiency is to improve business processes by applying the concept of Business Process Reengineering. Techniques to determine the success of performance targets in previous business processes need to be used as a measuring instrument. Measuring test instruments used are Key Performance Indicators. The results of KPI measurement are four factors that has yet to be achieved, namely, reducing errors in making sales invoices, reducing errors in receiving raw materials, reducing errors in the purchase of raw materials, and reducing misuse of raw materials. To improve business processes that are still conventional and overcome the problems of the results of the KPI at the bakery, it is necessary to create a new business process that is systemized using the Odoo Application. After using the Odoo Application the problems contained in the KPI results can be overcome by using a number of Odoo modules related to sales, procurement, and production.
Title = "Business Process Reengineering at Bakery X with the Odoo Application Implementation",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="27 - 32",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Made Diah Pradnya Pramitadewi, Dwi Putra Githa, Ni Kadek Dwi Rusjayanthi"}
  • This paper research about business process improvements
  • Using Business Process Reengineering concept and Key Performance Indicators measurement
  • This paper discuss improvement in sales, procurement, and production processes
  • The results of business process improvements are implemented using the Odoo application.