IJCATR Volume 9 Issue 1

Operational Audit Result Using Framework COBIT 5 (Case of PT. Jasa Raharja Persero)

Ni Made Ariwira Astuti, I Ketut Adi Purnawan, I Putu Agus Eka Pratama
keywords : IT Audit, Ability Level, Framework COBIT 5, Operations, IT Process

Operational Audit (Operational Audit), is an audit that evaluates the efficiency and effectiveness of each part in the operational procedures and methods applied by the organization / company. This research begins with the identification of business goals, IT objectives, and IT processes. The IT processes that are obtained are then scaled down to obtain important IT processes for company leaders (Top Level Management). The IT processes obtained are DSS 02, EDM 01, APO 05, and then are used as material to determine the level of capability of the company level. The results of the audit using these 3 domains namely DSS 02 are at level 2, EDM 01 is at level 2, and APO 05 is at level 2. This study also compares the results of the audit (current capability) with the expectations of company officials (expected capability) Gap obtained when there is a difference between (current capability) and (expected capability. Suggestions and improvements are then given to the process that has a GAP so that in the future in accordance with expected.
Title = "Operational Audit Result Using Framework COBIT 5 (Case of PT. Jasa Raharja Persero)",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="1",
Pages ="33 - 36",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Ni Made Ariwira Astuti, I Ketut Adi Purnawan, I Putu Agus Eka Pratama"}