IJCATR Volume 9 Issue 3

Study on Deep Learning as a Powerful Technology that Revolutionizing Automation in Industries

Manju Susan Thomas
keywords : deep learning, technology, revolution, automation, industries

Smart production refers to the usage of superior records analytics to complement bodily technology for enhancing device performance and choice making. With the extensive deployment of sensors and Internet of Things, there is a growing need of managing large manufacturing facts characterized through excessive quantity, excessive velocity, and high range. Deep gaining knowledge of present’s superior analytics gear for processing and analyzing huge production facts. This paper affords a comprehensive survey of typically used deep mastering algorithms and discusses their programs in the direction of making production “clever”. The evolvement of deep mastering technologies and their benefits over traditional gadget gaining knowledge of are first of all mentioned. Subsequently, computational strategies based totally on deep getting to know are provided specifically purpose to improve device overall performance in manufacturing. Several consultant deep mastering models are comparably mentioned. Finally, emerging topics of research on deep learning are highlighted, and destiny trends and challenges related to deep getting to know for smart production are summarized.
Title = "Study on Deep Learning as a Powerful Technology that Revolutionizing Automation in Industries",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="3",
Pages ="83 - 97",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Manju Susan Thomas"}
  • Combines deep learning to the perspectives in automation industry
  • Treatise on data driven intelligence in smart manufacturing
  • Explored the significance of recurrent neural networks in smart industries
  • Studied the impact of convolutional neural network.