IJCATR Volume 9 Issue 8

QuMANET- changes in Mobile ad-hoc network with quantum bits for reliability

Shruti Mishra, Dr. B. Dhanasekaran
keywords : MANET, Quantum bits, mobility, service discovery, Qubits, QUMANET.

Due to the mobility, service discovery and service selection in Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET), the routing protocol of MANET must adapt to the rapid changes of the network structure, and ensure that the services will be available to the users as quickly as possible. This paper proposes a kind of new quantum based MANET with the help of which service discovery will be fast enough that the user will not get a break in connection and swap over multiple services very fast with the help of quantum bits. By embedding MANET with quantum computing bits, it can effectively reduce the time for service selection, improve the delivery rate of data packets, and reduce the time delay of switching between services. The goal of this work is to shed light on the challenges and the open problems of the Quantum bits dealing with MANET design. To this aim, we first introduce some basic knowledge of Quantum mechanics, MANET needed to understand the differences between a MANET and the design we are thinking quantum MANET. Then, we introduce quantum bits as the key strategy for service swapping without physically transferring the particle that stores the quantum information. Finally, we will introduce the challenges that can be faced while transferring data over quantum bits.
Title = "QuMANET- changes in Mobile ad-hoc network with quantum bits for reliability",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "9",
Issue ="8",
Pages ="237 - 239",
Year = "2020",
Authors ="Shruti Mishra, Dr. B. Dhanasekaran"}
  • The paper proposes latest research on Mobile ad-hoc network
  • The paper focuses on new requirements of the users
  • The new model provides reliability to the users
  • In the comparison, performance evaluation is displayed.