IJCATR Volume 11 Issue 12

Application of Augmented Reality Technology to Hospitality French Learning

Ria Fuji Destria, Zulherman, Hesti Fibriasari, Baharuddin, Rizki Fadila Nasution
keywords : Media, Augmented Reality, L'Hôtellerie course, French

The delivery of teaching materials in lectures is one of the parts that determine students' understanding of the material presented, especially when lecture materials are things that demand equipment that supports outdoor activities or requires practicum devices that are not possible to be applied to the room, for example in the Unimed French Language Education study program in semester 6. Students will meet the practicum course in the l'hôtellerie or hospitality course this course requires students to imagine being in a hotel directly with all existing activities with a long enough duration. If this course is delivered only in words and sometimes monotonous delivery bores students so that they are less interested in difficulty in mastering the lecture material. One way that can be done to overcome this is to use visual equipment so that what is conveyed in a visual way makes students interested in the material presented and then brings the imagination that they are in a real hotel so that they live the learning in this hospitality course. However, visual delivery in the room is also a problem when the number of learners is large. For this reason, equipment is needed that can provide information visually and is easy to use or carry that can spur student activities to interact. Media augmented reality is a visual model that can provide new experiences in interacting between real objects and virtual objects that are formed in three-dimensional form, using augmented reality packaged as learning material can help students to understand the teaching material in l'hôtellerie lectures.
Title = "Application of Augmented Reality Technology to Hospitality French Learning",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "11",
Issue ="12",
Pages ="409 - 412",
Year = "2022",
Authors ="Ria Fuji Destria, Zulherman, Hesti Fibriasari, Baharuddin, Rizki Fadila Nasution"}
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