IJCATR Volume 5 Issue 9

Randi? Index of Some Class of Trees with an Algorithm

H. S. Ramane R. B. Jummannaver V. K. Kyalkonda
keywords : Algorithm, Degree of a vertex, Randi? index, Tree

The Randi? index R(G) of a graph G is defined as the sum of the weights (dG(u)dG(v))-1/2 over all edges e = uv of G. In this paper we have obtained the Randi? index of some class of trees and of their complements. Also further developed an algorithmic technique to find Randi? index of a graph.
Title = "Randi? Index of Some Class of Trees with an Algorithm",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "5",
Issue ="9",
Pages ="590 - 594",
Year = "2016",
Authors ="H. S. Ramane R. B. Jummannaver V. K. Kyalkonda"}
  • The paper proposes explicit formulas for Randic index of certain class of trees and also for their complements.
  • This paper gives an edge dividing technique to obtain the Randic index.
  • The An algorithm with the help of adjacency matrix given to compute the Randic index of graph.