IJCATR Volume 7 Issue 4

A Secure MSSS Scheme and AES Encryption over Cloud Data

Sreelakshmy D Unni , Neethu Maria John
keywords : Cloud computing, AES Encryption, MSSS, Radix sort, Security, Symmetric.

In this era Cloud plays a vital role in storage of all type of data. Thus the availability of data also increased. The data can be subscribed and maintained comfortably. It also solves the problem of excess computation cycles, software updates and handling high loads of data. AES is the encryption techniques used by worldwide. Most Significant Single Keyword Search (MSSS) is efficient search that uses Most Significant Digit (MSD) Radix Sort. The main challenge facing are security of data in Cloud. In this we propose Secure MSSS Scheme and AES Encryption over Cloud Data. AES is a symmetric encryption block cipher which allows different key length. Encryption is performed by interchanging characters of key and data. In this we are using a private cloud. The data uploaded to cloud is stored as encrypted file. Encryption performed using AES encryption algorithm. The data stored in the cloud is accessed by the allowed users of private cloud and searching of data done using MSSS. The MSSS scheme is faster soring array strings. Encryption solves the problem of security to an extent. AES will have 10, 12, 14 rounds of encryption.
Title = "A Secure MSSS Scheme and AES Encryption over Cloud Data",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "7",
Issue ="4",
Pages ="171 - 174",
Year = "2018",
Authors ="Sreelakshmy D Unni , Neethu Maria John"}
  • The paper proposes a secure encryption for cloud data
  • The searching scheme MSSS improves searching efficiency
  • The AES encryption is good encryption algorithm than other algorithms
  • The combination of searching and encryption make a secure cloud data system.