IJCATR Volume 8 Issue 5

Analysis of Student Feedback using Deep Learning

Shejwal Asmita S, Deokar Anuja T, Dumbre Ashwini B.
keywords : Supervised learning, Convolution neural network, feature extraction, Sentiment Analysis, Deep learning.

Feedback plays a key role in improving quality. To ensure improvement in teaching method and facilities provided by college, opinion of the students should be properly analysed and used. Text Sentiment analysis method are used to carry out such analysis. It can be performed in two ways - Machine Learning approach and Lexicon based approach. Presently, the teacher evaluation and feedback analysis are based on identifying student’s opinion. Methods used for such classification are Naive Bayes, Voting ensemble method. Along with determining polarity, classifying feedback as strength, weakness and suggestions can improve to be more beneficial. Success of deep learning inspires us to propose a better and efficient system. The System that will use Word2Vec for text processing, Convolution Neural Network for automatic feature extraction. Supervised Support Vector Machine will be used for final classification. The Proposed system will result in classification of feedback as Strength , Weakness and Suggestions to faculty.
Title = "Analysis of Student Feedback using Deep Learning",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="161 - 164",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Shejwal Asmita S, Deokar Anuja T, Dumbre Ashwini B."}