IJCATR Volume 8 Issue 5

A Learnability Model for Children Mobile Applications

Stephen Kioko,Michael Kimwele,Lawrence Nderu
keywords : : Learnability Model; Children Mobile Applications; General Interaction; Graphical User Interface; Multimedia and Text

Nowadays, mobile device use among young children is on the rise. A kid using a smartphone or a tablet is a common sight today. This has been triggered by the worldwide advancement of mobile culture & technology. As a result, the number of mobile applications targeting the young children has tremendously increased. Studies, however, reveal that most of the applications are far from perfect. They are less learnable and hardly usable by the young children, as they do not match their mental models. Usability and learnability issues usually have a profound impact on the success of a mobile application. Nevertheless, there has been limited research on these issues for mobile applications designed for children. In regard to this, this paper aims to bridge the gap by reviewing usability guidelines suitable for designing 'near perfect' children mobile applications. We then propose a learnability model to help mobile developers and evaluators in designing and evaluating mobile application for this target population (5-10 year olds). Our discussion concludes that, though there are many mobile applications designed for young children, for any app to stand out and be successful, it needs to be designed with different technological skills, learning capacities and preferences tailored to young children
Title = "A Learnability Model for Children Mobile Applications",
Journal ="International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research(IJCATR)",
Volume = "8",
Issue ="5",
Pages ="182 - 195",
Year = "2019",
Authors ="Stephen Kioko,Michael Kimwele,Lawrence Nderu"}
  • Study and evaluation of design guidelines and heuristics proposed by HCI researchers to produce a consolidated learn-able children’s app
  • Development of a learnability model that can aid in guiding the design and development of mobile applications for young children
  • Measure the extent of how applicable the design guidelines are towards the use of mobile apps for children
  • Test the applicability of the developed learnability model.